Unless you quit your day job to manage your property, you simply don’t have the time to run it yourself. Here are a few reasons why…
- Never-ending maintenance. Whether we’re talking a small multi-family complex or a full-blown apartment complex, the maintenance is nonstop.
- You have to keep your property safe. That means you need to perform preventative maintenance to avoid issues that could cause safety concerns at a later date. You also need to do the homework to make sure you are up to speed on all codes.
- You have to do the legwork to save headaches later. You can lessen the chances of having troublesome tenants to deal with…if you do the upfront legwork. That means screening tenants before you sign an agreement with them.
- Collecting rent. It would be nice if this was as easy as opening up your in-box to get your checks, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes you have to follow-up and even pry that check out of your tenants.
It’s easy to see why property management can be so time consuming. However, you can employ us and free up the time to handle other ventures and projects. Contact us now!